Link Love


Why not start the week of (since I didn't get this up over the weekend!) with a few favorite links:

Found this Grapefruit Sorbet that would be the perfect sweet treat for these dog days of summer.

For my fellow NYC friends out there, you know how rare it is to find a pool in the city, right? I mean there have been some days this summer when literally I would have gone so far as to use my bathtub as a pool. Don't judge. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Welcome, King & Grove in Williamsburg. You can purchase a pool pass for only $35 during the weekday and $45 on the weekends! Go on and embrace your inner Magda, but make sure to buy your pool pass in advance here.

Turn up Ellie Goulding's Burn on repeat, and turn on the incredible music video too.

Thanks to their flickr group, we can now enjoy the Central Park Dance Skaters all day every day. They happen to be one of my very favorite things about this city, now if only I could join them!

Oprah's on Insta. OPRAH IS ON INSTAGRAM, and it is AMAZING. "Oprie" as my family affectionately refers to the lady who tops my heroes list {I might have flown to Chicago for less than 24 hours to get a front row seat on her show, and just in case you were wondering, she is as fabulous in person as on TV.} She is 'gramming pictures of her safari in Africa, her man Stedman, and Oprah herself is looking gorgeous sans makeup in quite a few of her latest pics. 

Red Sox thank Yankees by playing "New York, New York". No explanation needed.

Can. Not. Wait. for Carrie & Brody's return to TV in September.

Hillary Clinton Tumblr Needlepoint...who run the world?

Food for thought on this Monday: "Show up with the energy and curiosity of your first day and the honesty of your last." Read on for more words of wisdom from Kate Aronowitz, Design Director of Facebook. 

P.S. Still on the search for someone to help with a few technical related changes on the blog, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Have a fabulous start to the week!


Happy Weekend!! I definitely slacked this week on getting posts up but absolutely believe in not posting that day if it isn't a quality post and just have been having trouble finding inspiration recently.  For me personally it can be an information overload sometimes when I look at too many things and have too many ideas thrown around the challenge then becomes how to consolidate all of my various thoughts into well articulated and constructed blog posts.  Does anyone else have this problem?  With Pinterest and other social media outlets these days information overload is a serious problem for me, and I would love to know if anyone else feels sometimes a bit overwhelmed by the information available online, and if so, what do you do to overcome writers block and get inspired again?  

A few of my favorites this week:
  • These NY matches are ah-mazing.
  • With only days to go until college football begins, this Longhorn ring is the perfect game day accessory for those of ya'll who just so happen to be Texas Longhorn Fans, hook em'.
  • A fabulous mascara that you must
  • I am in love with this leather handbag via Uncovet, click here if you haven't joined this site already.
  • Have you ever sat on a subway bench and thought to yourself, gosh I would really like to own one of these benches?  Well it's your lucky day because the germ infested subway benches can be yours for $650, what a deal right? Check out the benches along with many other incredibly questionable items on the MTA's website.  Seriously though, who is buying a used subway bench for $650 and more importantly, why?
  • Print this out and keep on file, because honestly every girl needs to know how to tie a bow tie when the rare occasion calls for it... right?
    Finally, a phenomenal quote on creativity for your weekend..


    HAPPY WEEKEND! A few of my favorite links from this week:
  • Loving these iPhone cases by Jessica Hische.
  • Mason Jar Cocktail Shaker, YES Please! Support this idea over on Kickstarter...
  • The perfect notebook to write down all of your big,life-changing, brilliant ideas...
  • Margaritas for your weekend cocktail!
  • On my wish list...JADEtribe iPad case.
  • The Hex Code 2-for-1 combo solves the annoying problem of juggling your wallet & cell phone..pretty great idea!
  • A sweet story about a momma dog in Chile rescuing her puppies from a fire.
  • Amazing pictures of the evolution of the NYC skyline.

    Happy Monday ya'll! I have been a bit MIA this past week but hope ya'll had a fabulous weekend! I had a few favorites I came across online this past week that I wanted to share with ya'll since I didn't get a link love post up on Friday:
    • How about the Closing Ceremonies last night... AH-MAZING, right? I seriously felt like I took a step back in time to 1996 with the Spice Girls (fantastic performance!) and Oasis's Wonderwall.. oh and Fatboy Slim, which always reminds me of this scene from the classic movie She's All That, time to learn that dance! 
    • Also came across this cute & affordable canvas bag from J. Crew recently & think it's the perfect travel bag, to the beach, gym or really anywhere you're headed.
    • This bills organizer is the perfect thing to keep you on track & time for your monthly bills.
    • If you have any trouble at all relaxing & falling asleep, this miracle product, 18 Sleep Essential Oil Rollerball by 21 Drops, is the answer to your's that good!
    Two great video clips for your Monday afternoon:
    I came across this video over on one of my favorite blogs, Hither and Thither, and it's hilarious, enjoy a quick laugh on this Monday afternoon...
    Another great video from last week, Jenna Bush Hager gets a quick lesson from McKayla Maroney who teaches her how to Dougie while on a tour bus in London. You can check it out below or here.


    Happy Friday!! How has the week been for everyone? Seriously can't believe it's already August 3rd, this week flew right by.  Here are a few of my favorites from this week:
    • For all of you Instagram aficionados out there (because aren't we all these days?) It's the moment you've been waiting for, you can turn your Instagram photos in cookies thanks to the people over at Baking for Good. Seriously, what will the think of next?
    • Adding this colorful Pantone Iphone Case to my wish list...
    • This floating coffee mug was just funded over on Kickstarter and what a brilliant idea, a coffee mug with no coaster required, amazing.
    • One of my favorites, Steven Alan, is now making beautiful handbags, you must check them out.
    • These glitter utensils over on Leifshop make me want to throw a dinner party immediately, who doesn't love a little sparkle at the dinner table?  
    • Love this song by James Vincent McMorrow-Higher Love (Steve Winwood Cover) 
    Hope your weekend is fabulous!!


    A few of my favorites this week:
  • Remember the scene from Miss Congeniality where Sandra Bullock's talent is playing the musical glasses, well if your dream was to master the art of musical glassware, you're now one step closer making that a reality with the creation of these musical glasses, love these! 
  • Elle Woods, right here in NYC, you heard it first.
  • Loving this arm candy and this Bauble Bar bangle at the moment.
  • I'm sure you've seen your fair share of Call Me Maybe renditions this summer, the latest one to pop up online of the USA Olympic Swim Team includes a small cameo of Ryan Lochte, and hello, in case you forgot y'all, today is the start of the London Olympic Games, so take a few minutes and watch it here.
  • Loving this song right now-Ho Hey by The Lumineers-
  • (Instaprint)


    Friday, yes I do love you. Happy Friday Ya'll!
    A few of my favorites this week:
  • How many times have you thought, I wish I had a light jacket or worn less clothes the minute you stepped out the door?  I know for me being in NYC it happens all the time, and now there is a solution to the problem of dressing chic for the weather....Wevther's new site provides accessory and clothing recommendations that are not only fashionably chic but also weather appropriate, ensuring that you'll not be the one person dressed like there is a snowstorm coming when in fact, it's the first time in 50 years a heat wave has hit the city in the winter!
  • It's no secret I am a big fan of Kai Oil so when I'm thrilled to hear about the new Kai deodorant, adding that to my wish list.. Yes, Please!
  • 7-Eleven has taken their fan favorites, the slurpee, and attempted to continue to ride that gravy train to the bank... literally.  This week video of 7-Eleven slurpee machines in Singapore serving up mashed potatoes & gravy went viral, and you can check out an image of the mashed potato & gravy machine below and see the video here. I'm hoping these don't make it to the U.S. anytime soon.  The last thing we need is to be serving up mashed potatoes & gravy on tap for a quick, cheap, hearty meal. Yikes!
  • If your dream is to live in New York City or you've ever lived in the city, you will enjoy reading this post.
  • Stephen Covey, author of the 1989 bestseller "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", died on Monday at the age of 79.  My dad encouraged me to read his book several years ago, and I am very thankful for that recommendation because even 20 years after the book was originally published, Covey's pearls of wisdom known as the "7 Habits" still remain true and pertinent and 7 habits still remain true. If you haven't read the book yet, it is an absolute must read, more than once, and often kind of book that I would recommend reading.  A few great articles remembering Stephen Covey can be found here, here, and here.
  • In case any of ya'll were still waiting for the prince on a white horse to come sweep you off your feet, do yourself a favor and take note: Attention Ladies: Prince Charming Does NOT Exist... 
  • Finally, this is just comical to me, you can check it out for yourself, Rich Kids of Instgram "They have more money than you and this is what they do."
  • And...That's all folks! Hope ya'll have a great weekend!


    Well I am way delayed in getting this post up, seems like the weekend slipped away from me and here we are back at Monday already! How was your weekend?  It was absolutely perfect weather here in NYC today, minus a brief rain shower, it was the perfect Sunday.  I remember it being much warmer last time I was living here in June, so I have no complaints if I have to substitute a little rain for cooler temps!
    I couldn't let the first week of June pass without sharing what I am loving this month. Check out my favorite things below, and let me know what you're looking forward to this month, a fun trip maybe or something else. Would love to hear about it!
    Trina Turk and Banana Republic's recent promo for the launch of their collaboration on June 7th has taken cuteness to the next level.  If the video doesn't make you want to run to your nearest Banana Republic and scoop up all of the Trina Turk collection, I don't know what will.  It is adorable!
    And finally, since it's Monday & I don't know about ya'll but I have a case of the Mondays, enjoy the random video below! I love EVERYTHING about it- the song, the guy, his dance moves, all of it- AMAZING. Happy Monday!


    A few favorites for the week, and the video below which is how I only wish I started each day!  I know this has been circulating online for months now, but it's worth sharing with ya'll again, and is guaranteed to make you smile on this Sunday!
    Loving this When In New York City tumblr, especially the one below:

    This post from Sarah on A House In the Hills is an incredible reminder of something we all have heard multiple times before, but for some reason, so often forget the simple principle that, "your value does not lie in your career succes, the width of your thighs, the amount/quality of things in your home or closet." Sarah goes on to say, "I'd like to remind you, you ARE enough. right this minute, exactly as you are. even before you grow your career to where you aspire it to, or lose 10 lbs, or decorate your house, or wrangle your children into well behaved munchkins. right this minute, you're exactly where you're supposed to be. just keep reminding yourself and i'll do the same. and yes, i just got all deepak chopra on your asses. good day to you. xoxo"  She literally took the words out of my mouth, as I so often find myself saying yes, I just got all Oprah on you, but it is a much needed reminder to all of us to realize we are enough, and we are exactly where we are supposed to be right now, in this moment. You can check out the rest of Sarah's post and her fabulous blog here.

    And finally,I came across this post about the powerful things happy people do differently and really loved what it is saying, thought I would share my favorites from the list with ya'll. 


    It's Friday and nothing like this video to get you ready for the weekend!  I had forgotten how much I absolutely love this scene from the movie Something Borrowed... AMAZING.

    A few favorites I've come across this week:
    1. For those of you who didn't get their Margarita fix from the previous popsicle post, these Watermelon Basil Margaritas look amazing & delicious!
    2. This amazing article on the Huffington Post for all of us who are rapidly sliding into the big 3-0.  And the BOOK that came out earlier this week!
    3. Great thing to try out this weekend if you are wanting to take on a craft project.  These painted tumblers look pretty simple to make and are super cute.
    4.  Can't wait for the fabulous Clare Vivier's candy colored messenger bags to make their debut in stores soon.. in the meantime you can check out my favorite Clare Vivier bag, the messenger bag, on her website.


    I'm all over the place with links I wanted to share with ya'll today,  so here we go...

    For all those who love puppies (because honestly, who in their right mind doesn't love puppies?), the Fluffington Post  is for YOU.... silly, amusing, and pictures of puppies..starting with a photo I took of the cutest puppy I know, Boo Radley ...

    Coke machine takes payment in form of HUGS? Yes you read that right, no money required, only love and hugs for this machine... arms open wide.  A new coke machine at the National University of Singapore dispenses cokes in exchange for hugs... genius marketing concept? Maybe?

    Unless you've been living under a rock the past few months, you're very well aware that Instagram is the latest and greatest in the social media world (hello, Facebook did just buy it for a ridiculous amount of money).  While it is a pretty amazing app, the one downside I've heard a million times over is people wishing to have Instagram online not just on their phones... well you don't have to wait any longer, because a website soley for taking YOUR Instagram photos live online, WEBBYGRAM.

    For the Austin lover in me, I got a big laugh over the new tumblr WhenInAustin... And a few photos I took in Austin last fall before moving to New York...

    Six Reason to Move to Austin, (what, like you needed any more reasons?), but seriously if you are contemplating it, what are you waiting for? Do it already, you won't regret it.

    And finally, this has been in the news the past few days here in NYC, but in case it was not in other cities, I just had to share this article about a guy in finance here in NYC who emailed his dating spreadsheet to one of the many girls he was currently seeing.  MORON, of course the girl shared it with her nearest and dearest friends, who then shared it with their nearest and dearest, and you get my point.  Next thing you know, it lands up on the front page of the New York Post! Check it out below, and for the record guys, it is NEVER, EVER okay to keep a spreadsheet to remember the girls you are currently going on dates with, we don't care if you work long days and with spreadsheets, quite frankly we don't care if you haven't slept in ten years, there is no explanation for tracking our dates in a spreadsheet used for your number crunching. The image is a bit fuzzy, but ya'll get where he was going with this detailed spreadsheet...


    In case you missed it, links from favorites around the web this week...
    I AM SO EXCITED that a little bit of Austin is headed to the Upper West Side... put it on your calendars, yes you can plan this far in advance, because ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE will be here in NYC set to open spring 2013..check it out...
    Food On My Dog Tumblr- absolutely the most ridiculous thing ever, and hilarious at the same time, who even thought of this in the first place?
    And finally, this tumblr Texts from Hillary Clinton...

    Hope ya'll have a very happy Easter weekend and are enjoying the holiday with family and friends!


    Hope ya'll are having a good start to your week and APRIL!  A ton of things to post about so bear with me while I finish them up and slowly post them on here... but until then, quite possibly one of the most annoying/awesome things I say OVER and OVER when frustrated is that "I'm going to punch X (insert whatever it is that is frustrating me) in the face".  Seems so much better once you say that to ANY situation, and when I came across this I had to share, hope you are getting stuff done on this Tuesday!

    Also wanted to share one of the funniest/greatest tumblr sites I have ever seen that has been circulating the web the past few weeks and is definitely worth taking a look at, check it out and see below for just one funny example from the tumblr: What Should We Call Me.  Oh and you can find a great article on Forbes no less on the two best friend law students who created the tumblr.  Enjoy!

    i'm just like,
    Yes, I told you it was hilarious. To find this great image and more check out the What Should We Call Me tumblr.


    Happy Weekend Everyone! Hope ya'll have something fun planned for what looks to be a pretty GORGEOUS weekend here in New York.  Just a few things posted that I loved this week online.  You have to check out the Video How to Look Like Ryan Gosling    Also, while you're online go on over to the see the incredible photographs of Seth Casteel on the Little Friends Photography site.  Finally, just a gorgeous pouch that I am in LOVE with, which you can find here. Enjoy!:)