Weekend Link Roundup


Hi there, long time no see! I'll get to my absence in a second, but first off you might notice a few changes on Tiny Bits from Boo.  I was ready to give the blog a makeover, and enlisted the help of the incredibly talented Molly Jacques to work with me on a new logo and illustration. What do you think? I couldn't be happier with how it all turned out, and I am especially in love with the Boo Radley illustration. It was an absolute pleasure to work with Molly throughout the entire process, and I would highly recommend her if you're looking for someone to collaborate with on a custom design, illustration or lettering.  Also, you absolutely must check out more of Molly's work including these fabulous thank you notes, this inspiring print, and love this beautiful return address stamp.

Now, where exactly to begin? I couldn't possibly catch ya'll up on the past seven months of life, and where would I even start? I have to admit I missed sharing my bits of inspiration with ya'll.  So, what took me so long to get back on the blogging bandwagon?  For me, blogging is one of those things where the more you do it, the easier it becomes.   And well, if you haven't done it in a while, psyching yourself up to get back at it can be {just a tiny bit} challenging, to say the least.  No promises you'll see daily updates, or the same content as before, but I can guarantee that after taking a much needed timeout I'm back reenergized with a new vision for this blog, and hope to share the new vision with ya'll next week. In the meantime, thought I'd pass on a few things I'm loving this week:
Conquer your fear and learn to speak confidently in front of a crowd with these useful tips you should definitely bookmark for future reference. 

15 Reasons Why People Move to NYC...spot-on. Number three I'm looking at you. 

Fantastic video by Marie Forleo on how to surrender to your calling and be open to what comes next. Gosh, I really get Mastin Kipp after watching this video.

Draw Your Tomorrow.. and do it in this perfect planner.

How successful people talk-they pay attention. Simple as that.

Things my dad was right about..because there is nothing like wisdom from dad.

The One Thing These Crazy Successful People Do Every Morning. Inspiration for getting up early enough to make a little me-time right?

After an unbearable week of heat here in NYC {yes, even for this Texas girl, it was brutal}, the aptly titled Heatwave cocktail sounds like the perfect cocktail to beat the heat.

Life Lessons We All Need to Learn via Brene Brown.
Life Lessons We All Need to Learn via Brene Brown
Brene Brown Inspiration

One final note, I'm majorly in search of any recommendations for someone to help with blog design and installations... any help or ideas ya'll have please share them below or shoot me an email! Have a fabulous Sunday and end to your weekend!


A few favorites for the week, and the video below which is how I only wish I started each day!  I know this has been circulating online for months now, but it's worth sharing with ya'll again, and is guaranteed to make you smile on this Sunday!
Loving this When In New York City tumblr, especially the one below:

This post from Sarah on A House In the Hills is an incredible reminder of something we all have heard multiple times before, but for some reason, so often forget the simple principle that, "your value does not lie in your career succes, the width of your thighs, the amount/quality of things in your home or closet." Sarah goes on to say, "I'd like to remind you, you ARE enough. right this minute, exactly as you are. even before you grow your career to where you aspire it to, or lose 10 lbs, or decorate your house, or wrangle your children into well behaved munchkins. right this minute, you're exactly where you're supposed to be. just keep reminding yourself and i'll do the same. and yes, i just got all deepak chopra on your asses. good day to you. xoxo"  She literally took the words out of my mouth, as I so often find myself saying yes, I just got all Oprah on you, but it is a much needed reminder to all of us to realize we are enough, and we are exactly where we are supposed to be right now, in this moment. You can check out the rest of Sarah's post and her fabulous blog here.

And finally,I came across this post about the powerful things happy people do differently and really loved what it is saying, thought I would share my favorites from the list with ya'll. 


It's Friday and nothing like this video to get you ready for the weekend!  I had forgotten how much I absolutely love this scene from the movie Something Borrowed... AMAZING.

A few favorites I've come across this week:
  1. For those of you who didn't get their Margarita fix from the previous popsicle post, these Watermelon Basil Margaritas look amazing & delicious!
  2. This amazing article on the Huffington Post for all of us who are rapidly sliding into the big 3-0.  And the BOOK that came out earlier this week!
  3. Great thing to try out this weekend if you are wanting to take on a craft project.  These painted tumblers look pretty simple to make and are super cute.
  4.  Can't wait for the fabulous Clare Vivier's candy colored messenger bags to make their debut in stores soon.. in the meantime you can check out my favorite Clare Vivier bag, the messenger bag, on her website.


In case you missed it, links from favorites around the web this week...
I AM SO EXCITED that a little bit of Austin is headed to the Upper West Side... put it on your calendars, yes you can plan this far in advance, because ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE will be here in NYC set to open spring 2013..check it out...
Food On My Dog Tumblr- absolutely the most ridiculous thing ever, and hilarious at the same time, who even thought of this in the first place?
And finally, this tumblr Texts from Hillary Clinton...

Hope ya'll have a very happy Easter weekend and are enjoying the holiday with family and friends!


Happy Weekend Everyone! Hope ya'll have something fun planned for what looks to be a pretty GORGEOUS weekend here in New York.  Just a few things posted that I loved this week online.  You have to check out the Video How to Look Like Ryan Gosling    Also, while you're online go on over to the see the incredible photographs of Seth Casteel on the Little Friends Photography site.  Finally, just a gorgeous pouch that I am in LOVE with, which you can find here. Enjoy!:)