Trina Turk


Well I am way delayed in getting this post up, seems like the weekend slipped away from me and here we are back at Monday already! How was your weekend?  It was absolutely perfect weather here in NYC today, minus a brief rain shower, it was the perfect Sunday.  I remember it being much warmer last time I was living here in June, so I have no complaints if I have to substitute a little rain for cooler temps!
I couldn't let the first week of June pass without sharing what I am loving this month. Check out my favorite things below, and let me know what you're looking forward to this month, a fun trip maybe or something else. Would love to hear about it!
Trina Turk and Banana Republic's recent promo for the launch of their collaboration on June 7th has taken cuteness to the next level.  If the video doesn't make you want to run to your nearest Banana Republic and scoop up all of the Trina Turk collection, I don't know what will.  It is adorable!
And finally, since it's Monday & I don't know about ya'll but I have a case of the Mondays, enjoy the random video below! I love EVERYTHING about it- the song, the guy, his dance moves, all of it- AMAZING. Happy Monday!


Happy Weekend ya'll! I'm a bit behind on posting this week due to playing catch up from travelling last weekend, so promise to be back in action first thing Monday morning!  In the meantime, I mentioned on Tuesday that my sister in law, Julia, and brother had a Cinco de Mayo engagement party at their house last weekend, and as you can see from the pictures below, the entire evening turned out perfectly! They did a phenomenal job at ensuring every last detail was taken care of, and it certainly paid off in the end.  Absolutely love the idea to use mason jars with pink bows for margaritas! I am also really wishing I jumped on board with my mom and Julia in Isla Mujeres back in March when they both bought serapes, because it was perfect to use as a tablecloth for this party.  Hope you can use these great ideas next time you're in need of a little inspiration when throwing a Mexican fiesta, which on a side note, I'd like to celebrate Cinco de Mayo every weekend, such a great reason to eat Mexican food and drink margaritas! Hope ya'll are having a wonderful weekend!