Images via:1/2/3
Hello, October.. show me what you've got! October brings with it the cooler temperatures, the actual changing of the leaves here in NYC (one of the MAJOR perks of living in the northeast...you actually get to experience four true seasons, and I absolutely love it!), Halloween-which as a true candy aficionado means I can find just about all of my favorites in "fun size" perfect to throw in my purse (just in case I get the sugar urge while out and about, you just never know), and finally, Halloween has to be Boo Radley's favorite holiday of the year-I mean she does happen to be white, fluffy, and named Boo... this holiday screams her name.  Judge all you want, but I'm the first to admit I love dressing Boo Radley up for Halloween-she's been a hippo, taco, and ballerina...and I'm looking for the perfect costume for this year, which I'll make sure to share with ya'll once I find it! If ya'll have a pet, do you dress them up for Halloween? If so, would love to hear your ideas for costumes! 

I will spare ya'll the details of where I've been the month of September and why I didn't keep up my regular daily posts on the B-L-O-G, and just say that I'll give an update when I get the post on this finished and edited down to ensure I don't bore you so much so that you never come back and visit the site again, now that would be a shame wouldn't it? What I will do is say that while I have every intention of posting once a day on the weekdays, there will be days when that just doesn't happen. It doesn't mean I've given up blogging, in fact it's quite the opposite.  Simply put- life happens and sometimes I'd rather go out and live my life than sit down and type away on the computer thinking about the life I want to live.  Does that make any sense ? I often wish I could be two places at once, both at my computer finishing my to-do lists while also outside breathing in this gorgeous fall weather on a leisurely walk with a close friend and Boo Radley...that would be the best of both worlds, wouldn't it?

I couldn't welcome in October without mentioning my guilty pleasure and very favorite show, Gossip Girl, kicks off the show's final season Monday, October 8th, at 9 p.m. ET. If you're anything like me, you will want to check out this trailer for the final season.

Hope this Monday was amazing and the week is off to a fabulous start! 


Hi there and a very HAPPY MONDAY TO YA'LL! It obviously isn't the 1st of the month anymore, but better late than never, right?  I was M.I.A. the past two weeks on the blog, and to be completely honest with you, I just needed a quick (but seriously big time) BREAK from social media/emails/internet and decided to disconnect briefly.  Have ya'll ever felt like that? Every so often I have a moment where I struggle with how much is too much when it comes to putting it all out there and sharing your life online, not to mention always being connected...there certainly comes a time when I just need to take a step back, breathe, and regroup.  Of course someone out there has felt the same way, surely, right? Not to worry though, I'm back in action and feeling more than inspired after the mini break.  

On that note, how has ya'lls September been so far? What did I miss? September is one of those months I personally have a love/hate relationship with.  While there is the obvious ending of summer (hate, and on a side note, this is the last "official" week of summer), this month also means the beginning of college football season (love!, hook em' horns!), cooler weather (love love!), fall fashion!, leaves changing color (if you live outside of Texas) and that's just to name a few.  It's safe to say that after this past weekend here in New York, fall is officially here!

The past two weeks I've had a chance to complete a few things that have been on the dreaded to-do list for-ever...and had such a wonderful few days with my mom in town this past weekend.  Just  a few of my favorite Instagram pictures from the past two weeks, and for those of ya'll who don't yet follow me on Instagram, follow me at haleycarpenter or online here. Make sure to check back later this week for a few fabulous fall inspired posts I've been working on!


Even though Labor Day is this weekend, I'm just not ready to give up those last few days of summer. With that in mind, wanted to share a few recipes that are sure to keep you thinking warm, summery thoughts long past the holiday weekend. My personal favorite, the Pink Cadillac Margarita, have ya'll tried this before? It is delicious and refreshing, and a guaranteed hit at your holiday soiree. Do ya'll have a favorite summer cocktail recipe?  If so, do share below with me, would love to try it out!



Hope ya'll had a good weekend and your Monday has been fabulous!   What's inspiring me this week? Well, in my ideal world, I like to imagine an apartment that is perfectly organized and uncluttered, like the pictures shown below.  
via Vanity/Hallway/Closet/Bookshelf/Desk
I'm sure many of ya'll have heard apartments in NYC are tiny, and really to be honest, tiny doesn't quite cut it to accurately draw a picture of just how small some of these apartments really are.  Living in a smaller space (not to mention foolishly moving everything from my much larger apartment in Austin to NYC) has forced me to condense all of my "things", clean out the clutter, and get rid of basically all of the "I just can't live without" them items (because it has become crystal clear that I can in fact live without those things), and really stick to just the essentials.  I am loving the color coordinated bookshelf in the image above and hope to take this idea and do it in my own personal space.  Do ya'll have color coordinated bookshelves?  I had never really thought to do that before now, but think it definitely looks less chaotic and more organized.  I would also love to splurge on a bar cart and have my eye on the Hayworth by Society Social available for pre-order now. If you haven't already, you should definitely take a look at the other amazing bar carts by Society Social, they are timeless, incredibly chic, and I'm in awe of the detail in all of Society Social's bar cart designs.
via Society Social


Happy Weekend!! I definitely slacked this week on getting posts up but absolutely believe in not posting that day if it isn't a quality post and just have been having trouble finding inspiration recently.  For me personally it can be an information overload sometimes when I look at too many things and have too many ideas thrown around the challenge then becomes how to consolidate all of my various thoughts into well articulated and constructed blog posts.  Does anyone else have this problem?  With Pinterest and other social media outlets these days information overload is a serious problem for me, and I would love to know if anyone else feels sometimes a bit overwhelmed by the information available online, and if so, what do you do to overcome writers block and get inspired again?  

A few of my favorites this week:
  • These NY matches are ah-mazing.
  • With only days to go until college football begins, this Longhorn ring is the perfect game day accessory for those of ya'll who just so happen to be Texas Longhorn Fans, hook em'.
  • A fabulous mascara that you must try...life-changing.
  • I am in love with this leather handbag via Uncovet, click here if you haven't joined this site already.
  • Have you ever sat on a subway bench and thought to yourself, gosh I would really like to own one of these benches?  Well it's your lucky day because the germ infested subway benches can be yours for $650, what a deal right? Check out the benches along with many other incredibly questionable items on the MTA's website.  Seriously though, who is buying a used subway bench for $650 and more importantly, why?
  • Print this out and keep on file, because honestly every girl needs to know how to tie a bow tie when the rare occasion calls for it... right?
    Finally, a phenomenal quote on creativity for your weekend..


    With Fall rapidly approaching, and the release of the Fall Fashion issues of every single magazine, I've loved seeing what colors, styles and trends for fall.  While many (including Nina Garcia)  are calling this bold bordeaux wine shade "the new black" for fall, I personally will never, ever replace my very favorite color (yes, it's true I live & breathe the color black for all occasions). That being said, I could certainly see this color coming in a close second to my beloved black for fall.  This fall you will see burgundy in a variety of shades, everything from aubergine to wine to the dreadful maroon.  If you are one of the unfortunate folks who own maroon, please dispose of any and all clothing in this color immediately. Thankfully, burgundy really does look good on everyone and I'm absolutely loving the fall color.  My very favorite is the Elie Tahari burgundy coat, isn't the neckline just fabulous?  Have ya'll started shopping for fall yet? And can you believe it's already time to start thinking about jackets and sweaters?


    Happy Friday!! A few favorites that I've been eyeing this week, and loving for the transition to fall, which will be here before we know it in New York! I am so in love with these See by Chloe Boots for fall, aren't they ah-mazing? Also something I've been eying for a few weeks now is the Amber Interiors Turkish kilm pillow to spice up my neutral sofa! The leather tote is the perfect work bag for fall, and a new line to me, Rib and Hull, which has incredible leather handbags, so definitely check them out if you haven't already! Hope ya'll are having a fabulous Friday afternoon & check back later today for my roundup of favorite links this week! 


    I recently came across Miami based designer Nektar De Stagni's eye-catching jewelry collaboration with KnollTextiles.  De Stagni, known for her innovative use of materials, and playful juxtapositions, applies Knoll fabrics in necklace and bracelet compositions that are at once new and classic statements. Her latest collection is the perfect accessory to complete any outfit this fall.  Are ya'll familiar with Nektar De Stagni?  She's been on the scene in Miami since opening her store at the age of 21 in 2008.  I am so glad to have come across her jewelry and will keep an eye out for future collections from this amazingly talented designer.  


    I've accepted and even embraced the fact that fall is in fact going to be here shortly, and that means it's time to start thinking about closed toe shoes.  Thankfully, there are some pretty fabulous options for flats this fall.  Cap toe flats are everywhere right now and I am loving this trend.  My favorite fall flats are the Loeffler Randall options shown above, and I'm quite positive those polka dot flats are the perfect shoe for any occasion.  I'm in love! Have you seen any must have flats for fall?  I'm always on the look out for a great pair of comfortable and chic flats, so do share if you have a favorite flat for this fall! 


    Friday, yes I do love you. Happy Friday Ya'll!
    A few of my favorites this week:
  • How many times have you thought, I wish I had a light jacket or worn less clothes the minute you stepped out the door?  I know for me being in NYC it happens all the time, and now there is a solution to the problem of dressing chic for the weather....Wevther's new site provides accessory and clothing recommendations that are not only fashionably chic but also weather appropriate, ensuring that you'll not be the one person dressed like there is a snowstorm coming when in fact, it's the first time in 50 years a heat wave has hit the city in the winter!
  • It's no secret I am a big fan of Kai Oil so when I'm thrilled to hear about the new Kai deodorant, adding that to my wish list.. Yes, Please!
  • 7-Eleven has taken their fan favorites, the slurpee, and attempted to continue to ride that gravy train to the bank... literally.  This week video of 7-Eleven slurpee machines in Singapore serving up mashed potatoes & gravy went viral, and you can check out an image of the mashed potato & gravy machine below and see the video here. I'm hoping these don't make it to the U.S. anytime soon.  The last thing we need is to be serving up mashed potatoes & gravy on tap for a quick, cheap, hearty meal. Yikes!
  • If your dream is to live in New York City or you've ever lived in the city, you will enjoy reading this post.
  • Stephen Covey, author of the 1989 bestseller "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", died on Monday at the age of 79.  My dad encouraged me to read his book several years ago, and I am very thankful for that recommendation because even 20 years after the book was originally published, Covey's pearls of wisdom known as the "7 Habits" still remain true and pertinent and 7 habits still remain true. If you haven't read the book yet, it is an absolute must read, more than once, and often kind of book that I would recommend reading.  A few great articles remembering Stephen Covey can be found here, here, and here.
  • In case any of ya'll were still waiting for the prince on a white horse to come sweep you off your feet, do yourself a favor and take note: Attention Ladies: Prince Charming Does NOT Exist... 
  • Finally, this is just comical to me, you can check it out for yourself, Rich Kids of Instgram "They have more money than you and this is what they do."
  • And...That's all folks! Hope ya'll have a great weekend!


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    Celebrate the 4th in style with a few last minute outfit ideas for whatever you have planned to celebrate  Independence Day tomorrow!  Blake Lively of course can do no wrong in anything she puts on.  Absolutely love this patriotic photo of her.  Do ya'll have plans for the holiday? Wherever you are tomorrow to celebrate, I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July!


    Hello, Monday and a very happy July to ya'll! Party in the U.S.A. brings me right back to the Miley Cyrus hit from a few years ago, and for those of ya'll who can't recall that #1 chart topper, you can check it out here: 
    I put together an inspiration board for a 4th of July themed party and shared some of my favorites below.  If you're looking for the perfect last minute treat to beat the heat on Wednesday, try out the dipped ice cream sandwich recipe! Do ya'll have any fun plans for the 4th?  I can't believe it falls on a Wednesday this year, it seems a bit strange to have it fall mid-week. Let me know if you have any fun plans or have come across the perfect Independence Day inspiration! 


    Well I am way delayed in getting this post up, seems like the weekend slipped away from me and here we are back at Monday already! How was your weekend?  It was absolutely perfect weather here in NYC today, minus a brief rain shower, it was the perfect Sunday.  I remember it being much warmer last time I was living here in June, so I have no complaints if I have to substitute a little rain for cooler temps!
    I couldn't let the first week of June pass without sharing what I am loving this month. Check out my favorite things below, and let me know what you're looking forward to this month, a fun trip maybe or something else. Would love to hear about it!
    Trina Turk and Banana Republic's recent promo for the launch of their collaboration on June 7th has taken cuteness to the next level.  If the video doesn't make you want to run to your nearest Banana Republic and scoop up all of the Trina Turk collection, I don't know what will.  It is adorable!
    And finally, since it's Monday & I don't know about ya'll but I have a case of the Mondays, enjoy the random video below! I love EVERYTHING about it- the song, the guy, his dance moves, all of it- AMAZING. Happy Monday!


    And it's officially June 1st folks! The dog days of summer are upon us, and although here in New York there have only been a few days of dreadful heat thus far (I am going to regret making this statement come August), I know ya'll in Texas have had some unbearably hot days  so it definitely feels like June to ya'll.  I am in BIG TIME need of some sun at the moment (it's raining, AGAIN this morning here in NYC, yuck!), and can't wait to head south next weekend for a good friend's wedding in Austin, and a few days at home in Waco.  Fingers crossed it's bright and sunny the entire time I'm home so I can finally catch some rays and get a little color.  Do ya'll have anything fun planned for this month? Any vacations or special plans? 


    Although it's not officially the start of summer, to many people, including myself, the Memorial Day weekend represents the "unofficial start of summer".  Growing up, for over 15 years, that meant only a matter of days until Camp Longhorn.  I could go on forever about how amazing Camp Longhorn is, but will spare ya'll the details, and just say, it is amazing, and you should check it out if you have children.

    Navy and orange are the official colors of Camp Longhorn, and I love this color combo for summertime.  It's not something I ever think to pair together, but always notice when others do and love their outfits.  You can do navy and orange too, whether it is with just a touch of these colors or you style your entire outfit in this color combo, try it out this summer!