Chris Piascik, the illustrator and graphic designer of the inspirations above, has been drawing something, anything every single day, Monday-Friday for over the past four years.  I love the idea of having something that you've done and committed to every single day as part of your routine, and even more so that it is a way for him to creatively express himself five days a week.  Chris says that in doing these drawings every night, he gained the confidence to move away from graphic design and towards illustration professionally.  Not to mention, he started to get tons of new projects as a result of his daily drawings, now that's awesome! I know we all have so many mundane routines we get into every single day, walk the dog, make the bed, clean the kitchen, do laundry, drop off drycleaning, the list goes on and on.  It is nice to think about adding something fun and creative into your daily routine as well.  See below for a few more examples of Chris Piascik's work.